
Real Work for Real Pay

Too many people with disabilities remain unemployed or stuck in dead-end "jobs" that pay them less than the minimum wage. The Client Assistance Program (CAP) and Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Network are working to change these outcomes, providing advocates to people with disabilities who want real jobs. NDRN advocates for changes in laws to further the ability of people with disabilities to work in real jobs for fair pay.

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  • Employment

    Fact Sheet on H.R. 873/S. 260 the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act

    March 21, 2019

    The bipartisan Transformation to Competitive Employment Act (H.R. 873/S. 260) will address barriers to employment and expand opportunities for competitive integrated employment for people with disabilities while phasing out subminimum wage certificates under 14(c) of the FLSA over a six-year period. This bill was introduced in the Senate by…

    Fact Sheet