
Support Education Equality

NDRN believes in the right of all students, including those with disabilities, to an equitable and appropriate education in a safe environment, based on access to the general education curriculum. NDRN seeks to accomplish this goal through federal policy work and through the Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Network, who enforce our nation's education laws on the state level.

Latest in Education

  • Education

    Department of Ed Must End Delay of Racial Discrimination Rule

    May 23, 2019

    On July 3, 2018, the Department of Education (ED) implemented a two-year delay of a rule circulated by the Obama administration intended to prevent racial discrimination in the education of students with disabilities. The rule, developed as the result of a long review process, was due to go into…

    Press Release
  • Education

    Disability Rights Group Supports Effort to End Improper Use of Restraint and Seclusion

    January 17, 2019

    NDRN applauds the announcement of an initiative out the U.S. Department of Education which will address the inappropriate use of restraint and seclusion and ensure compliance with federal laws.

    Press Release
  • Education

    Critical School Discipline Guidance Eliminated

    December 21, 2018

    Washington, DC - In January 2014, the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice jointly published a letter to schools explaining the right of school children to be free from racial discrimination in school discipline.

    Press Release