Washieka Torres: Disability Rights in Black 2020

February 8, 2020
Washieka Torres: Disability Rights in Black 2020

It’s day 8 of our Disability Rights in Black series and Washieka Torres has a message for all those hungry for change! Washieka is an Inclusive food justice activist. She believes that everyone deserves to eat the food they want and how they want it. This means rethinking the way the food world is designed for able-bodied people. Grocery stores that aren’t designed with disabled people in mind help perpetuate the myth that disabled people don’t shop or cook for themselves. You can explore the Inclusive Food Justice Education Network on Facebook for further information and motivation about how to create more accessible food systems designed for everyone to have a taste of freedom.

Check out Washieka’s appetizing appeal in this video message explaining the importance of getting involved with Inclusive Food Justice efforts in your community.

Share our tribute to Washieka Torres on Facebook and Twitter.


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