Call Members of the House Appropriation Committee: Stop The Shock

July 2, 2024
Call Members of the House Appropriation Committee: Stop The Shock

Residents of the following congressional districts need to tell their members of the House Appropriations Committee to not pass a rider that will stop the FDA from ending the use of electro shock devices on people with disabilities. Each year countless youth and residents of a facility are subjected to painful electric shocks. The FDA is on the verge of banning this horrific practice, but only if this rider does not pass.


Members to contact:

Appropriations Committee Member Table


State Member’s Names DC Office Number
Alabama (2) Robert Aderholt AL-04

Jerry Carl AL-01

(202) 225-4876

(202) 225-4931

Arkansas (1) Steve Womack AR-03 (202) 225-4301
Arizona (1) Juan Ciscomani AZ-06 (202) 225-2542




California (7)

Pete Aguilar CA-33

Ken Calvert CA-41

Mike Garcia CA-27

Josh Harder CA-09

Barbara Lee CA-12

Norma Torres CA-35

David Valadao CA-22

(202) 225-3201

(202) 225-1986

(202) 225-1956

(202) 225-4540

(202) 225-2661

(202) 225-6161

(202) 225-4695



Florida (5)

Mario Diaz-Balart FL-26

Lois Frankel FL-22

Scott Franklin FL-18

John Rutherford FL-05

Debbie Wasserman Schultz FL-25

(202) 225-4211

(202) 225-9890

(202) 225-1252

(202) 225-2501

(202) 225-7931

Georgia (2) Sanford Bishop GA-02

Andrew Clyde GA-09

(202) 225-363

(202) 225-9893

Hawaii (1) Ed Case HI-01  (202) 225-2726
Idaho (1) Michael Simpson ID-02 (  (202) 225-5531
Illinois (2) Mike Quigley IL-06

Lauren Underwood IL-14

(202) 225-4061

(202) 225-2976

Iowa (1) Ashley Hinson IA-02  (202) 225-2911
Kansas (1) Jake LaTurner KA-02  (202) 225-6601
Louisiana (1) Julia Letlow LA-05  (202) 225-8490
Maine (1) Chellie Pingree ME-01  (202) 225-6116


Maryland (5)

Andy Harris MD-01

Steny Hoyer MD-05

David Trone MD-06

Butch Ruppersberger MD-02

(202) 225-5311

(202) 225-4131

(202) 225-2721

(202) 225-3061

Michigan (1) John Moolenaar MI-02 (202) 225-3561
Minnesota (1) Betty McCollum MN-04 (202) 225-6631
Mississippi (1) Michael Guest MS-03 (202) 225-5031
Montana (1) Ryan Zinke MT-01 (202) 225-5628
Nevada (2) Mark Amodei NV-02

Susie Lee NV-03

(202) 225-6155

(202) 225-3252

New Jersey (1) Bonnie Watson Coleman NJ-12 (202) 225-5801

New York (3)

Adriano Espaillat NY-13

Grace Meng NY-06

Joseph Morello NY-25

(202) 225-4365

(202) 225-2601

(202) 225-3615

North Carolina (1) Chuck Edwards NC-11 (202) 225-6401
Ohio (2) David Joyce OH-14

Marcy Kaptur OH-09

(202) 225-5731

(202) 225-4146

Oklahoma (2) Stephanie Bice OK-05

Chairman, Tom Cole OK-04

(202) 225-2132

(202) 225-6165

Pennsylvania (2) Matt Cartwright PA-08

Guy Reschenthaler PA-14

(202) 225-5546

(202) 225-2065

Tennessee (1) Charles Fleischmann TN-03 (202) 225-3271


Texas (5)

John Carter TX-31

Michael Cloud TX-27

Henry Cuellar TX-28

Jake Ellzey TX-06

Tony Gonzales TX-23

(202) 225-3864

(202) 225-7742

(202) 225-1640

(202) 225-2002

(202) 225-4511

Virginia (2) Ben Cline VA-06

Jennifer Wexton VA-10

(202) 225-5431

(202) 225-5136

Washington (2) Derek Kilmer WA-06

Dan Newhouse WA-04

 (202) 225-5916

(202) 225-5816

Wisconsin (1) Mark Pocan WI-02 (202) 225-2906



Suggested remarks:

My name is [your full name], and I am from [your city]. I am a constituent of Representative [Name]. I’m calling to ask Representative [Name] to oppose Section 722 of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. This rider takes away the FDA’s ability to ban the use of electric skin shock for behavior modification. Only one institution in the country still uses electric shocks this way, and this practice is widely disavowed by the medical, behavioral intervention, disability advocacy, and developmental disability support communities. The FDA’s proposed rule to ban the devices this year received hundreds of public comments in support of the ban, and this bill would take that decision away. The House must make sure the people they represent are heard. Can I count on Representative [Name] to oppose this rider?


Learn more about electro shock devices and why they need to be banned