10 Standards for Inclusive Community Risk Reduction

September 19, 2022
10 Standards for Inclusive Community Risk Reduction

10 Standards for Inclusive Community Risk Reduction was built out of the 10 Standard Firefighting Orders referenced in the Incident Response Pocket Guide. 

To read a PDF version of the 10 Standards for Inclusive Community Risk Reduction, click here.

The inclusive strategies are adapted and integrated in alignment with each firefighting order. This document can support fire departments to simultaneously focus on:

  • Fire Behavior, Fireline Safety, and Organizational Control.
  • Impacts of Inequity, Community Safety and Community engagement/Collaborations

1 – Keep informed on fire weather conditions and forecasts. 

Keep informed on patterns/programs that negatively impact fire prevention and preparedness due to exclusion or erasure of marginalized and minoritized communities.

2 – Know what your fire is doing at all times. 

Know what fire safety risks exist for various populations/people with different disabilities.

3 – Base all actions on the current and expected behavior of the fire. 

Base all engagement on recognizing past harms, addressing present day barriers to safety and future expectations of collective survival.

4 – Identify escape routes and safety zones, and make them known. 

Identify routes of leadership for those most impacted in an effort to more effectively assess inclusive safety concerns. Make this centering commitment known.

5 – Post lookouts when there is possible danger. 

Post community engagement staff throughout communities at most risk of fire related incidents. Staff should be tasked with consistently learning from community members about fire safety challenges while also collaborating on practical solutions.

6 – Be alert. Keep calm. Think clearly. Act decisively. 

Be aware. Keep strong community connections. Think creatively. Act collaboratively.

7 – Maintain prompt communications with your forces, your supervisor, and adjoining forces. 

Maintain accessible and efficient communications with communities served. Communication should be clear, concise and incorporate inclusive information/tactics/recommendations for respective populations (i.e. Deaf individuals, people with mobility disabilities, individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, those with limited English proficiency etc.).

8 – Give clear instructions and be sure they are understood. 

Routinely request feedback on how programs, funding and practices can be made more effective and equitable. Make sure the insights gathered from community members are properly documented and understood by all levels of leadership.

9 – Maintain control of your forces at all times. 

Maintain reliable community relationships and updated contact information for relevant community based organizations at all time. This should include groups lead by and serving marginalized and minoritized individuals.

10 – Fight fire aggressively, having provided for safety first. 

Fight inequity aggressively, having followed the leadership/priorities of those most impacted. Fight discrimination decisively, having realized that prejudice is a barrier to fire prevention, response and recovery.