Justice System

Reform For All

People with disabilities too often find an absence of justice in a system that ignores their needs. NDRN believes every American has the right to access our nation's justice system. NDRN and the Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Network work to improve conditions in correctional institutions and during the re-entry process that address disability-related issues.

Latest in Justice System

  • Justice System

    Disability Advocates Oppose Attorney General Sessions’ Mandatory Minimums Directive

    May 16, 2017

    WASHINGTON – NDRN Executive Director Curtis Decker made the following statement in response to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ directive to federal prosecutors to charge nonviolent, low-level drug offenders with long, mandatory-minimum sentences

    Press Release
  • Justice System

    NDRN Joins Amicus in Parole Case

    January 3, 2017

    NDRN joined the ACLU of Massachusetts and others in an amicus brief in the Supreme Judicial Court, the state’s highest court, arguing that ADA applies to the activities of a state parole board.

    Amicus Brief
  • Education

    New Report Finds Children with Disabilities Abused, Denied Treatment and Education

    June 10, 2015

    Children with disabilities are disproportionately placed in the juvenile justice system, receive inadequate treatment and are denied educational opportunities, the National Disability Rights Network asserted in a report released today.“More than 65 percent of youth in the justice system meet the criteria for a disability, a rate that is…
