
Access the Community

Transportation systems are too often unavailable, inaccessible or unequal to people with disabilities. NDRN and the Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Network work to monitor accessibility in a variety of settings, and help enforce federal and state laws relating to accessibility to make sure transportation systems are improved and maintained so people with disabilities can live fully in the community.

Latest in Transportation

  • Transportation

    Letter to Amtrak President Urging Accessible Railcar Design

    August 8, 2022

    NDRN sent the following letter to the President of National Passenger Railroad Corporation (Amtrak) urging that the next generation of rail cars be accessible to people with disabilities, and correcting inaccurate claims in a letter Amtrak previously sent to NDRN. 

  • Transportation

    FRA Administrator Responds to NDRN

    August 3, 2022

    FRA Administrator Amit Bose wrote in response to NDRN urging the DOT to ensure public transportation planning is accessible and inclusive of people with disabilities.

  • Transportation

    Making Lavatories Accessible in Single Aisle Airplanes

    July 8, 2022

    The Department of Transportation (DOT) carried out a second round of comments through a notice of proposed rule making (NPRM) to inquire about how to make single aisle aircrafts include accessible lavatories for wheelchair users. This has been a long running conversation that NDRN has continually been a part…
