
Support Education Equality

NDRN believes in the right of all students, including those with disabilities, to an equitable and appropriate education in a safe environment, based on access to the general education curriculum. NDRN seeks to accomplish this goal through federal policy work and through the Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Network, who enforce our nation's education laws on the state level.

Latest in Education

  • Education

    Trump Administration Relies on Shaky Data when Making Decisions on School Discipline Reform

    December 8, 2017

    WASHINGTON – At a briefing today at the United States Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR), speakers said the Trump Administration plans to dramatically alter 2014 discipline guidance meant to protect students of color with disabilities from discrimination. In support of rescinding this Obama era guidance, the speakers used dubious…

    Press Release
  • Education

    NDRN Joins Amicus in IDEA Case

    November 21, 2017

    NDRN joined 42 other national and state disability and civil rights organizations in an amicus supporting the appellant’s argument that the IDEA requires more than de minimus educational benefit.

    Amicus Brief
  • Education

    NDRN Joins Amicus in Service Animal Case

    November 21, 2017

    NDRN joined three other national and state disability rights organizations in an amicus in support of appellant’s argument that the IDEA’s exhaustion requirement should not apply in a case where a school district refused to allow a student to bring a service animal to school.

    Amicus Brief